Supreme/intrinsic value
1) is something you can experience one way or another (experientiality),
2) is something fundamental unrealizability of which you couldn’t live with (necessity),
3) is something you could devote all your life to and/or give your life for (existentiality),
4) could be the chief subject of all intentions and the ultimate end of all activities (teleologicality),
5) could be something for the purpose of what everything else is but not something that itself is for something else (ultimateness),
6) could be the source of all evaluations, sets the evaluation scale within which you could evaluate everything including any phenomenon or behavior (normativity),
7) unfolds and is indicative of certain dimension of being and certain aspect of personality (ontologicality),
8) could be acquired by any sentient being regardless of his or her individual peculiarities or belonging to one or another category (universalism),
9) valid in all circumstances, retains its importance in all possible worlds (analyticity),
10) sets a worldview, but does not result from a preset worldview (metaphysical neutrality),
11) could not possibly annoy or some other way manifest its limitation (inexhaustibility),
12) is something you can settle on, could be projected into eternity (eternitiness),
13) could be presented as the absolute beyond mundanity or nature (transcending capability),
14) is irreducible to any other value, is not a derivative from them (primacy),
15) is a dominant focus around which one or more worldview-historical traditions or spiritual movements were formed (cultural-historical significancy).
1. Complementary supreme values
These values may be in situational contradictions with each other, but in general they contribute to the implementation of each other, and they complement each other strategically.
General definition: remoteness from death.
Semantic field: self-preservation, survival, life, vigor, energy, longevity.
Opposite: disease.
Extreme points of the scale: eternal youth — death.
Counterpart in psychology: zest for life (joie de vivre).
Counterpart in Indian culture: ayush (life, आयु).
Counterpart in Chinese culture: kangning (physical and mental health, 康寧), shou (longevity, 壽), xian (immortality, 仙).
Counterpart in worldview-history: Taoism.
General definition: ability to manage circumstances in strict accordance with a plan.
Semantic field: benefit, utility, wealth, power, strength, freedom, domination, power.
Opposite: helplessness.
Extreme points of the scale: absolute power — slavery.
Counterpart in psychology: a sense of control.
Counterpart in Indian culture: artha (means of life, अर्थ).
Counterpart in Chinese culture: fu (wealth, 富), gui (official career, 貴), li (benefit, 利).
Counterpart in worldview-history: Materialism.
Social harmony
General definition: mutual concord with others.
Semantic field: mutual sympathy, mutual understanding, unanimity, congruence, conformity, tact, ceremoniousness, good fame.
Opposite: disharmony.
Extreme points of the scale: cosmic order — chaos.
Counterpart in psychology: rapport.
Counterpart in Indian culture: yazas, yashas (honor, यशस्).
Counterpart in Chinese culture: shu (reciprocity, 恕), li (order, 理), li (decency, 礼), da tong (great unity, 大同).
Counterpart in worldview-history: Confucianism.
Freedom from addictions
General definition: overcoming painful dependence on anything.
Semantic field: tranquility, serenity, detachment, passionlessness, freedom from suffering.
Opposite: enslavement and dazzlement by desires.
Extreme points of the scale: nirvana — unquenchable thirst.
Counterpart in psychology: calm.
Counterpart in Indian culture: nirvana (निर्वाण), bodhi (बोधि).
Counterpart in Chinese culture: niè-pán (涅槃).
Counterpart in worldview-history: Buddhism.
Prosperity of a family
General definition: being encircled by one’s own kin.
Semantic field: reproduction, domesticity, clannishness, multiplicity of kindred, folk flourishing, union with the whole being.
The opposite: loneliness.
Extreme points of the scale: unity with all things — complete alienation.
Counterpart in psychology: feeling oneself as a part of the whole (participation, oceanic feeling).
Counterpart in Indian culture: moksha (मोक्ष), tat tvam asi (thou art that, तत्त्वमसि).
Counterpart in Chinese culture: zi sun chung (many sons and grandchildren, 子孫眾多).
Counterpart in worldview-history: All forms of Vernacular religions.
General definition: the pursuit of knowledge for the sake of knowledge itself, and not for the sake of something else.
Semantic field: curiosity, desire for newness, research interest, impartiality, doubt.
Opposite: ignorance.
The extreme points of the scale: absolute truth — delusion.
Counterpart in psychology: awareness.
Counterpart in Indian culture: jnana (knowledge, ज्ञान), satya (truth, सत्य).
Counterpart in Chinese culture: zhi (knowledge, 知), di (truth, 諦).
Counterpart in worldview-history: Skepticism.
General definition: any agreeable sensations.
Semantic field: delight, contentment, enjoyment, fun, euphoria.
The opposite: discontent.
Extreme points of the scale: bliss — anguish.
Counterpart in psychology: pleasure.
Counterpart in Indian culture: kama (passion, काम).
Counterpart in Chinese culture: si (joy, 喜), feng liu (wind and flow, 風流).
Counterpart in worldview-history: Hedonism.
General definition: inspired help to others.
Semantic field: active love, vocation, favorite occupation, diligence, enthusiasm.
The opposite: vacancy.
Extreme points of the scale: eternal inspiration — aversion to everything.
Counterpart in psychology: flow.
Counterpart in Indian culture: dharma (duty, धर्म).
Counterpart in Chinese culture: ren (philanthropy, 仁), li ai (love that bears favor, 利愛).
Counterpart in worldview-history: Christianity.
General definition: the refusal to endow the imperfect with the rights that only an all-perfect being can possess.
Semantic field: inflexibility, immovability, perseverance, steadfastness, monotheism, non-fussiness.
Opposite: groveling.
The extreme points of the scale: disregard of all idols — idolatry.
Counterpart in psychology: self-esteem.
Counterpart in Indian culture: ishvara-pranidhana (surrender to God, ईश्वरप्रणिधान), nirguna bhakti (devotion beyond images, भक्ति).
Counterpart in Chinese culture: junzi (lording master, 君子).
Counterpart in worldview-history: Islam.
General definition: making something.
Semantic field: production, manufacture, fabrication, making, construction, formation, contrivance, creativity, development.
Opposite: destruction.
The extreme points of the scale: infinite creation — annihilation.
Counterpart in psychology: creative urge (élan créateur, élan vital).
Counterpart in Indian culture: nirmana (creation, निर्माण).
Counterpart in Chinese culture: chuàngjiàn (creation, 创建).
Counterpart in worldview-history: Creativism.
2. Borderline/mixed supreme values
These supreme values may not only enter into situational contradictions with others, but in general they may not contribute to the realization of other supreme values.
General definition: the suppression of any hostile actions.
Semantic field: dominance, preponderance, triumph, prevailment, success in a struggle, rout of the enemy.
Opposite: defeat.
Extreme points of the scale: the destruction of the enemy — the victory of the enemy.
Counterpart in psychology: a sense of superiority.
Counterpart in Indian culture: vijaya (विजया).
Counterpart in Chinese culture: shèng lì (胜利).
Counterpart in worldview-history: Zoroastrianism.
General definition: the complete absence of any anger and desire to harm anyone.
Semantic field: non-violence, quietude, silence, benevolence, goodwill, tranquillity.
The opposite: violence.
Extreme points of the scale: war against all — friendliness to all.
Counterpart in psychology: the absence of aggression.
Counterpart in Indian culture: ayoga kevali (silent omniscience, अयोग).
Counterpart in Chinese culture: an le (calm and joy, 安樂).
Counterpart in worldview-history: Jainism.
General definition: disengaging oneself from all existing values.
Semantic field: self-awareness, critical thinking, wisdom, meditation, creative search.
The opposite: narrow-mindedness.
The extreme points of the scale: going beyond the usual — automatism.
Counterpart in psychology: introspection.
Counterpart in Indian culture: prajna (super-comprehension, प्रज्ञ).
Counterpart in Chinese culture: zhi (cunning, 智), sheng (perfect wisdom, 聖).
Counterpart in worldview-history: Philosophy as a specific lifestyle.
General definition: frequency of all kinds of adventures.
Semantic field: intensity, eventfulness, tempo, turbulence, ebullience, brightness, energy.
The opposite: calm.
The extreme points of the scale: abundant life — emptiness.
Counterpart in psychology: agitation.
Counterpart in Indian culture: carita (motion, चरित).
Counterpart in Chinese culture: yi (changes, 易).
Counterpart in worldview-history: Futurism, Punk and Rock movements.
General definition: unpredictability of current and upcoming events.
Semantic field: suddenness, spontaneity, arbitrariness, contingency, eventuality, randomness, uncertainty, mess, anarchy.
The opposite: boredom.
The extreme points of the scale: fireworks of surprises — hopelessness.
Counterpart in psychology: anticipation.
Counterpart in Indian culture: adbhuta (wonder, अद्भुत).
Counterpart in Chinese culture: hundun (muddled confusion, 混沌).
Counterpart in worldview-history: Discordianism and Chaos magic.
3. Non-complementary supreme value
This value may situationally contribute to the implementation of other higher values, but in general it contradicts them, eliminates their implementation.
General definition: elimination of the very possibility of any perceptions.
Semantic field: annihilation, ruin, death, extermination, destruction, decay, disappearance, emptiness.
The opposite: life.
Extreme points of the scale: nothing — a whirlwind of being.
Counterpart in psychology: oblivion.
Counterpart in Indian culture: samhara (annihilation, संहार), pralaya (dissolution, प्रलय), bhedika (destruction, भेदिका).
Counterpart in Chinese culture: wu wu (absence of absence, 無無).
Counterpart in worldview-history: Nihilism.